Interested applicants must complete the online scholarship application form on The Creative Community Initiative website.

Along with the application form, applicants must submit all required documents as outlined for each scholarship.

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of members of The Creative Community Initiative.

Emerging Storyteller Scholarship

Eligibility: High school seniors or current undergraduate students pursuing a degree in media production, journalism, broadcasting, or film.

Award Amount: $1,000


Submission of a portfolio showcasing journalistic work, such as articles, videos, or documentaries.

Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Essay (500-800 words) describing the applicant's passion for storytelling and their vision for using media as a tool for positive change in communities.

Community Engagement Award

Eligibility: High school seniors or current undergraduate students with a demonstrated commitment to community service and engagement through media production.

Award Amount: $1,500


Evidence of involvement in community projects or initiatives related to media production, journalism, broadcasting, or film.

Letter of recommendation highlighting the applicant's contributions to community engagement efforts.

Essay (500-800 words) detailing the applicant's involvement in community projects and how they plan to continue using media for community benefit.

Diversity in Media Scholarship

Eligibility: Underrepresented high school seniors or current undergraduate students (including but not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and individuals with disabilities) pursuing studies in media production, journalism, broadcasting, or film.

Award Amount: $2,000


Submission of a personal statement (500-800 words) discussing the importance of diversity and inclusion in media representation.

Evidence of involvement in initiatives that promote diversity and representation in media.

Letter of recommendation highlighting the applicant's commitment to diversity and inclusion in their field of study.

Deadline for Applications For Scholarships Will Be Determined

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