'Kissed with My Heart: Reflections on Intimacy With God' Book Release

Name's Blue Media had the delightful opportunity to cover the much-anticipated 'Kissed with My Heart: Reflections on Intimacy With God' book release event, skillfully orchestrated by the talented author Shirley A. Strawter in the charming city of Tifton, Georgia. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as guests eagerly awaited the unveiling of this insightful literary masterpiece, promising to delve deep into the realms of spirituality and connection with the divine.

This was truly a momentous occasion to witness the unveiling of not just the new book presented by the author herself, but also the collective effort of all those who contributed to the project, breathing life into this magnificent work of art. The sight of a community united in joyous celebration over this soulful book, exploring one's spiritual connection with the divine and inspiring individuals to nurture their personal sacred bond with God.

The venue was brimming with lively chatter and laughter, as guests mingled with speakers, collaborators, and adoring family members. Their overwhelming love and unwavering support made it an unforgettable experience for the author, who felt truly honored to be surrounded by such grace. Don't miss the chance to grab your own copy of 'Kissed with My Heart: Reflections on Intimacy With God,' now available for purchase in paperback on Amazon.com.

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Randy A. Waczkowski

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